Friday, February 11, 2011

Calvin Cycle Reactions

So yesterday I went over the light reactions of photosynthesis and I believe that I hit all the points. Today in class we went over the cycle again and covered more on the Calvin Cycle Reactions. They both have similarities in the ways that they funciton, part of the reason is that they both go on in the same organelle chloroplasts. So lets go over the steps so that I will be able to understand the process better. Yesterday I did not realize that there were two reactions going on at the same time within the same chloroplasts and that the ligth reactions is feeding ATP and NADPH to the Calvin Cycle which reduces the carbon dioxide to a carbohydrate. So that is what goes on on the inside but the question is, how does it all get there? Well as i blogged about yesterday was the light reaction and that is what comes first. Electrons enter through the protein carriers and are brought into the thylakoid membrane where the light reaction takes place. In this area of the chloroplasts the ATP and NADPH is produced to the Calvin Cycle so that it can turn CO2 into CH2O. Then the Calvin Cycle will produce ADP and NADP+ so that the light reaction and take the entering water and process it into O2. Yes, it is very interesting and through this, the process has been put into a story line. Without the Thylakoids in the light reaction and stroma which is in the Calvin Cycle the process would never be allowed.

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