Thursday, February 10, 2011

Light Reactions of Photosynthesis

So this is going to help me learn the story of the light reaction of photosynthesis so that I will be able to tell it. I believe the best way to learn this is to blog about it. I hope that I put everything in this blog correctly and in order, if it is not correct please tell me so that I know and can correct the process. I would like to say that the things we are learning are so interesting. Cells are so much like humans by the things they do aqnd the way they process nutrients and break it down, it is almost like a giant factory. The electron transport chain is what we were taught today in class but it was kind of difficult to pick up right off the start so I came home and did some more reading and luckily I drew the picture that was on the board because that picture in the book is not even compared to Dr. Platt's. What catches my eye when I look at the picture is the antenna that looks like a little man waving but sadly the book does not explain what it does. Now we move to the right and we have the electron acceptors that are sealed into the outer part of the transport chain. The function of this is to accept electrons coming in from the outside. It seems as if they are vacuums that only get electrons and grab them and put them inside and this is where the process begins. Something I forgot to mention and it is imprtant to know is that light readtion needs solar energy in order for it to work correctly which means it only works during the day. So now the electrons are giving out energy on the inside as they move down the chain and this energy is processed in the chain to make ATP molecules. Now these are pumped out kind of like the same way that a pump will pump water out of a well into a holder and spit out. This process like everything just keeps going around and around again but only does this during the day.

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