Friday, February 18, 2011

The Citric Acid Cycle

This process is a long drawn out process so bare with it for a little bit. We will first start where an acetyl groups are combined to a C4 molecule to form citrate. That was the first process and then now two times the substrates are oxidized into NAD+ reduced to NADH  and is now released as CO2. So now that CO2 is realeased into the air we can now move down to the 3rd process where ATP is produced  as energy and is transferred from a substrate to ADP. This will release FADH2 after CO2. This is of course after another substrate is oxidized again but this time from FAD to FADH2. Then the process continues to another substrate being oxidized and this time NAD+ is reduced to NADH. That was the last cycle and that is how citric acid is fromed I beleive. I think that the book is talking about the same citric acid that is put in to sodas and other types of drinks. If I am correct that means that this is why citric acid forms in juices that come out of fruits such as oranges and lemons. Citric acid in my own opinion is a terrible thing to put in your mouth. If your not eating a type of fruit with it naturally in their then you should stay away from it. Of course you can stil eat a certain fruit to much to the point of it hurting you also, so just because it is a fruit does not mean that it will do nothing but good for your body. It can eat away at your anamal that is on your teeth.

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