Saturday, February 5, 2011


Okay I know that this topic is very easy to get tired of because the is so much going on within a plant, but I promise that this is the last basics taken from the structure and function of the plant. First, we must understand that leaves are the the ones that carry on photosynthesis, which requires water, CO2, and sunlight to work. One of the first things that are used to identify plants is by their leaves. The start by determing what type by looking at the size of the leave, then the shape, and lastly the color. The colors of leaves can vary from green to deep purple. There are so many colors for so many different types of leaves, I can only imagine how many plants there are that have never been seen. There are evergreens which are pine tree's  and then you have decidouos which are like oak tree's. The wide part of the leaf is called the blade and the part the the leaf hangs on is called the petiole. Other than the photosynthesis, the leaf is just a product of energy. I can tell this because when I was reading the only function that I really absorbed was the photosynthesis part. Which is why the plant leaves , one of the biggest parts of the plants only does one thing and that thing is the most important. And this is the conclusion to roots,stems, and leaves, we allow them to live, and they allow us to live.

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